Osing Tribe History

The Osing people (Ngoko Javanese: wòng Osìng, Krama Javanese: tiyang Osìng,  Osing: laré Using, Indonesian: suku Osing) are a community living in the eastern salient of Java island in Indonesia, in the easternmost part of East Java province. They are the descendants of the people of the ancient principality of Blambangan, whose rulers remained Hindu until they were forced to convert to Islam by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in 1770. Their population of approximately 400,000 is centered in the province of East Java in the district of Banyuwangi. The Osings speak the Osing language, a dialect which shows influences from both the Javanese and Balinese.

 Osing tribe history begins at the end of the reign of Majapahit around 1478 AD The Civil War and the growth of Islamic kingdoms, especially the Malacca Sultanate accelerate the fall of Majapahit. After his fall, the Majapahit fled to several places, namely the slopes of Mount Bromo (Tengger Tribe), Blambangan (Tribe Osing) and Bali.Kedekatan history is evident from the pattern of life Osing tribe which still implies a culture of Majapahit. Blambangan kingdom, which was established by the community Osing, is patterned last Hindu kingdom.

The word "Osing" Osing language itself can mean "no", so there are anecdotes about the existence of the Osing mengkisahkan itself, when strangers ask people banyuwangi that you Balinese or Javanese? they replied with the word "Osing" which means not both.

In the history of Islamic Mataram kingdom had never set their authority over the kingdom Blambangan, this is what causes Osing community culture has a significant difference compared with the Javanese. Osing tribe has a large enough proximity to the people of Bali, it is very visible from the traditional arts Infatuated which has some similarities, and has its own history.

Another similarity is reflected in the architecture of inter-tribe Osing and Balinese people who have a lot of similarities, especially in the decorations on the roof of the building. Osing also one of the ethnic communities residing in Banyuwangi and surrounding areas. On a broader scope. In the map of Javanese culture, Osing part Sabrang Wetan region, which flourished in the area east end of the island of Java. The existence Osing community is closely related to the history Blambangan (Scholte, 1927). According Leckerkerker (1923: 1031), those people are the people Blambangan Osing remaining. Hindu royal descent Blambangan different from other communities (Java, Madura and Bali), when viewed from the customs, culture and language (Stoppelaar, 1927). as a cultural group whose existence does not want to be interfered other cultures. Assessment against the society outside Osing shows that people with cultural Osing not widely known and always associate people with knowledge of the occult Osing very strong. Bellows is the last war to the death as a last attempt to defend themselves against enemy attack bigger and stronger. This tradition never sparked great battle called Puputan Bayu in 1771 AD WAR HISTORY BAYU rarely exposed by the media so that this history as it sank.

In subsequent developments, after officials Majapahit successfully moved to Bali and build a kingdom there, Blambangan, politically and culturally, to be part of Bali or, as it is termed by some historians, "under the protection of Bali". However, in 1639, the kingdom of Mataram in Central Java also want to conquer Blambangan that despite no small help from Bali claimed many casualties; not a few people Blambangan killed and discarded (GDE Haal, as quoted by Anderson, 1982; 75). Blambangan seem relatively less show his strength, in the Dutch colonial period, he would show his perseverance against the domination of the VOC. The war for the sake of the war took place between people Blambangan against Dutch colonial. Until finally culminated in a major war in 1771-1772 under the leadership of Prince Jagapati Mas Rempeg or known by war Puputan Bayu. This war has been successfully devastated Blambangan people and leaving only about 8,000 people (Ali, 1993: 20). However, people seem Blambangan remain unyielding. Wars of resistance, although smaller, continue to occur until decades later (1810), led by Bayu remaining forces, namely those
class="hps">by the Dutch dubbed as 'the wild Bayu' (Lekkerker, 1926: 401- 402; Ali, 1997: 9). Once can destroy the fortress Bayu, Netherlands centralize administration in Banyuwangi and raised Mas Alit as the first regent of Banyuwangi.

Blambangan was never separated from the occupation and colonization outside parties, and in 1765 no less than 60,000 were killed or missing Blambangan fighters to defend its territory (Epp, 1849: 247). Anderson (1982: 75-76) describes that how cruelty Netherlands not bertara as master Blambangan especially in the years 1767-1781. With reference to written records of Bondowoso Bosch, Anderson said: "This area is probably the only one in the whole of Java that had once densely who have perished at all ...".

Occupation and conquest were insistent that turns Blambangan makes people more patriotic and have a very strong spirit of resistance. Cortesao, as quoted by Herusantosa (1987: 13), with reference to the Tome Pires, called "folk Blambangan as people who have the nature of" Warlike ", belligerent and always ready to fight, always wanted and tried to free the territory of the other party of power" . Scholte (1927: 146) states:

"History Blambangan very sad. Blambangan tribes continue to decrease due to be killed by the powers that successively hit the area, such as the power of Mataram, Bali, Bugis and Makassar, the robbers China, and finally VOC. But the spirit of the people Blambangan never entirely extinguished, and the offspring that have now is a handsome tribe physical and personality as well as growing rapidly, hold fast to the traditions, but also easy to accept new civilization ". People Blambangan, as mentioned in various sources above, that which has been declared as a forerunner of Osing wong wong or remnants Blambangan.

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Village People Kemiren

Banyuwangi regency government realized the potential of ethnic culture Osing large enough to establish villages in the district Kemiren Glagah as indigenous villages must maintain cultural values Osing tribe. Kemiren village is quite attractive tourist destination in the community and surrounding Banyuwangi. Cultural festivals and other annual art events are often held in the village i

Art of Woang osing

Tribal Art Osing very unique and contains many mystical elements such as Bali and tribal tribal relatives perch. The main art among others Gandrung, Patrol, Seblang, Angklung, Barong, Kuntulan, Kendang Kempul, Janger, Jaranan, Jaran Kincak, Angklung Caruk and Jedor.

Social Stratification of Wong Osing

Osing different tribes with Balinese people in terms of social stratification. Osing tribe does not recognize caste as well as Balinese people, it is heavily influenced by the Islamic religion professed by most of the population.

Profesi of Wong Osing

The main profession Osing tribe were farmers, with a small portion is traders and other employees in the formal fields such as employees, teachers and civil servants.

Demography of Wong Osing

Osing tribe occupied several districts in Banyuwangi the middle and northern parts, particularly in the district of Banyuwangi, District Rogojampi, District Sempu, District and Sub-District Glagah Singojuruh, District Giri, District Kalipuro, and District Songgon. Community Osing or better known as Wong Osing by some quarters and the results are considered as resident asli2 penelitian1 Banyuwangi, a region in the easternmost tip of the island of Java, which is also known as Blambangan. This community spread in fertile farming villages in central and eastern Banyuwangi which is administratively a sub-kematan Giri, Kabat, Glagah, Rogojampi, Sempu, Singojuruh, Songgon, Cluring, Banyuwangi City, Tile, and Srono. In the last three districts, they have been mixed with the non-Osing, migrants came from the western part of East Java and Central Java, including Yogyakarta (Java wong wong Osing call-Kulon).

Confidence Wong Osing

At the beginning of the formation of ethnic communities Osing Osing main belief is Hindu-Buddhist as well as Majapahit. However, the development of the Islamic empire in the north coast causing rapidly spreading Islam among the tribes Osing. The development of Islam and the entry of outside influences in the community Osing also influenced by the VOC efforts in mastering Blambangan area. Osing community has a tradition of bellows, as well as the people of Bali. Bellows is the last war to the death as a last attempt to defend themselves against enemy attack bigger and stronger. This tradition never sparked great battle called Puputan Bayu in 1771 AD

language Wong Osing

Osing tribes have Osing language which is a direct descendant of the ancient Javanese language as well as Balinese language. Osing language different from the language Osing Java language that is not a dialect of Javanese as some circles